Monday, June 9, 2008

Michelle's Seedfolks Story

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I would vote for Hilary Clinton because:

1)She's a woman
2)She's an effective advocate for parents and children
3)She wants to make healthcare more affordable
4)She wants to end the war in Iraq IMMEDIATELY
5)She stands strongly for womens rights.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

My past weekend

This past weekend began very boring. Lucky for me that changed on Saturday. A good friend of mine (Marlene) asked me to go bowling. I knew it was going to be cold so i dressed warm. They came and picked us up and we drove around everywhere until we found a bowling alley. When we got there we got put on a waiting list, so we ate at McDonald's. Bowling cost like 30 dollars. And that day i found out my man was a good bowler. I knew i should've chosen him as my partner. Even though Marlene and I sucked, we had a lot of fun.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The First Part Last Reading Response 3

Pregnancy was a very fun, but unusual time for me. My first 6 months was hell in the morning. I know you guessed why.. morning-sickness. Ugh it sucked so bad. I should've just slept on the toilet. Besides the morning-sickness i was okay. I was hungry like 18 hours of the day but I was okay. I ate non-stop and in the end i gained about 70 pounds.

I did.t really have crazy cravings. I craved a lot of spicy food and elotes. The corn with the cheese and tapatio. Whatever it is it was the bomb and when I finally ate some I ate it so fast I threw it up like 15 minutes later.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Leave me a Kiss with a Message!!

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Love Day

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The First Part Last Reading Response Day 2

Honestly I have no idea why the author, Angela Johnson, chose to use this technique (flashback). The only idea I have is that she wanted to make her book different. It's catchy because you're hearing things about what's happening in the present, but wondering what happened back then. Then you read the next chapter and it answers some unanswered questions. I really don't know if it would have been better to just tell the story from beginning to end. This way you want to keep reading to hear EVERYTHING.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The making of a Princess

The First Part Last Reading Response

The day I told my mom I was pregnant was a crazy day. My mom and I had been arguing all day and I just blurted it out. I didn't stick around to see my mom's face or hear anything she wanted to say. The next day she asked me what i was going to do. I told her I would think about it but I already knew in my head i would be a mother in 8 months. (I found out when i was 1 month pregnant) My dad was really happy. He was excited to have his first grand daughter.

Naming my baby was easy but diffucult. Everyone said I was having a boy so we had the perfect name picked out.... Until we found out it's a girl! We went through name after name until the day she was born we still had only one name we both liked; Angeliah. So that's what we named her Angeliah Michelle Zazueta. My man's name is Angel so u see the Angel in there. You all know my name is Michelle so that's where she gets her middle name from.